In this Video Series we will go through a set of steps which will help you to configure and manage your inventory in the the multi warehouse and multi location infrastructure.
Watch this first video to see how you can setup warehouse, locations and operations to perform your inventory transfers among warehouses and within different locations in the same warehouse.
1. Odoo Warehouse, Location, Operation Configurations
Watch this 2nd video to see how you can configure products with multiple UOMs(Unit of Measurement) i.e. product that contains a combination of "units and kgs" or "kgs and meters" etc.
2. Odoo Product Creation and UOM Configuration
The 3 part of video will show you how to perform the actual transfer of goods from a source to the destination location.
3. Odoo Inventory Transfers within Departments
The 4th video will show different types of Inventory reports that you can generate in Odoo.
This video series contain some basic understanding of the Odoo Inventory App which is infact very extensive and highly configurable and customizable.
4. Odoo Inventory Reports
If you are looking for any assistance in Odoo 14, 15, 16 click here to contact us.